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Why news outlets should report our story?

Your viewers and readers shop online and like most people the deliveries show up to their home. These items are vulnerable sitting unprotected on doorsteps across America. Over 11 million people have had a package stolen in the last year! Thieves have been taking advantage of the enormous rise of shopping online. Companies like Amazon are taking over retail and the growth of eCommerce is expected to grow and grow. What else is growing and growing? Package theft and we at Package Vault take the safety of packages very seriously.

Designed to protect and inform. We have designed a easy to setup solution for homeowners. Package Vault securely stores the packages until the homeowner is ready to pick them up. It also has a Wifi sensor that notifies the homeowner when a delivery is made. It keeps porch pirates at bay and your audience would love to know about Package Vault because it can help them keep the items they buy safe.

75% of Packages are stolen during the day when homeowners are at work! The great news is that Package Vault is designed to protect your packages while you are away. We are home when you are not. Lets face it; people are busy and they cannot sit around waiting for a delivery. That is where Package Vault comes in with a solution to help. Peace of mind can be had and you can freely run errands and go to work knowing that your packages are safe. Package theft is in the news everyday and a great way to inform and help our community is to communicate our story.

The average package theft is $200 worth of goods from homeowners. With Package Vault being an affordable option to help prevent package theft; people can save money! Change their future story to avoid the devastating aftermath of having their packages stolen. The homeowner will know that the items they buy online with be safe period end of story. Package Vault keeping your packages safe.

Holidays and Package Theft

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